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Lost Tribes

Starter Bracelet (chain only)
from $500.00
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Starter Necklace (chain only)
from $725.00
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Select the elements for your chain.

Click on circles of the Tree of Life below to visit element collections.

The Lost Tribes periodic table is an organization of ethical precepts that offers a universal system of truth and values.


The periodic table is grounded in worldly elements, just as metal is a physical element manifested from the creation of the earth.

The Periodic Table, along with the Lost Tribes project as a whole, aims for a visualized synergy between Jewish ethics as text (Pirkei Avot), and Native North-American pictographic symbolism as elements of spiritual story telling. 


The conceptual roots of the Lost Tribes jewelry collection are represented in two interconnected ways:

First - the various symbolic elements that reach expression in metallic form are represented as physical “elements” of the Periodic Table, and its Earth-bound ethical system.

Second - The various pieces and their grouping into “families” are presented within the spiritual system of the Tree of Life, and its categories based in Kabbalah.

Click on the symbols in order to view the menu of elements within the Tree Of Life. In selecting the elements for your piece, keep in mind the idea of capturing the nuanced, elemental components of the individual’s shining spirit.

Design with your heart and Choose your “perfect” combination of elements.

Have fun.

Fine jewelry as the representation of an ethical navigation system.

The Tree Of Life (the Kabbalah) takes the ethics of human existence into the realm of mysticism. It is organized into ten sections.



The Crown, chapter one of the tree of life, reflects the things that are incomprehensible to us. The most hidden of all hidden things.


Wisdom, chapter two of the tree of life, is located at the top of the pillar of mercy. This section reflects the laws that existed prior to the creation of the Earth. These elements represent the divine influence over creation.


Chapter three, understanding. The treasury of wisdom. The elements in this section represent a grounded knowledge of one’s place in the universe.



Chapter four, Kindness, reflects the ability to apply spiritual balance to ones relationships. A respectful balance between self and other.


Chapter five is Justice. The elements belonging to Justice reflect the basis for a well functioning community. A sustaining set of truths.


Beauty, chapter six, is reflected in the integration of kindness and justice. This balance that we experience expresses the aesthetics of the beautiful.



Eternity is the seventh chapter of the tree of life. It reflects the infinite, endurance, patience, the capacity for purposeful enduring over time.


Splendor is chapter eight of the tree of life, and reflects the ability to hold the periodic table of natural elements, and respects the sum of its parts.


Foundation is chapter nine, and reflects the relationship between the spiritual and the physical.



Chapter ten, Kingdom, describes the realm of the physical in its ability to remind us of the spiritual.


The elements of the Periodic Table and of the Tree of Life are conceived here as an ethical GPS; as elements that make up a rich, ancient-yet-living tapestry representing a moral directional system that informs humans’ ethical goals (destinations) as well as the means by which we live in nuanced pursuit of them.  

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